This exclusive box of Canada National Parks scented candles is a perfect gift for an adventurous person who also loves to try different scents as well as the best item for someone who loves the outdoors and wants to treat themselves. This box of candles contains 12 1.8 Oz 100% soy candles with the following scents:
- 2x Banff National Park of Canada - Winter Lotus Scented Candles
2x Yoho National Park of Canada - Wild Flower Scented Candles
2x Mount Revelstoke National Park of Canada - Mountain Cherry Scented Candles
- 2x Jasper National Park of Canada - Rocky Jasmine Scented Candles
- 2x Kootenay National Park of Canada - Forest Lilac Scented Candles
- 2x Glacier National Park of Canada - Glacier Tea Scented Candles